Germany Ewo 274.665 Pressure regulator Brass
Pressure requlators requlate the system pressure (p) in a compressed air system to the working pressure (p2) andkeep this pressure, regardless of pressure fluctuations and air consumption, largely constant.Pressure regulator (diaphragm type) with servomechanism. Port sizes G'/ to G'/. The excess pressure valvesecondary venting) allows a reduction of the secondary pressure (p2) (= exhaust) without air extraction. Wor-king pressure ranges from 0.5 to 3, 6, 10, 16 and 25bar. Adjustment by means of a locknut. Gauge can bemounted on either side. Panel or bracket mounting if desired.
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Germany Ewo 274.665 Pressure regulator Brass
1.DescreptionPressure requlators requlate the system pressure (p) in a compresse...